How to Add single Quotes and Comma in Excel with CONCATENATE Function


How to Add single Quotes and Comma in Excel with CONCATENATE Function
In Microsoft Excel, you can use the CONCATENATE function to combine text strings, and if you want to add single quotes and a comma between the text, you can include them as additional text arguments within the CONCATENATE function. Alternatively, you can use the "&" operator to concatenate strings. Here's how you can do it with both methods:

By Using CONCATENATE Function

For this you need to write the formula like this,

=CONCAT (“‘“, A2,”‘”,”,”)

  • First you create a column and select the first cell. 
  • Type =CONCAT ( Write the formula =CONCAT (“‘“, A2,”‘”,”,”) like this. 
  • Where A2 is the first cell value of your employee code.

You can use CONCATENATE Function for different scenarios, one of the benefit using this function is , you can use many texts without any limit, you can use comma insie the function and can add many texts.

By Using & Operator

Alternatively, you can achieve the same result using the "&" operator:

This formula you can use for the same thing— adding single quotes and comma in excel with & Operator. Choose the method that you find more convenient or readable. Both formulas will give you the desired result.




  • First you create a column and select the first cell. 
  • Type = Write the formula =”‘”&A2&”‘”&”,”  like this. 
  • Where A2 is the first cell value of your employee code.


For accomplishes the task , you can use above two methods, both are simple and you can get the desired results. the recommented method is usinng CONCATENATE function, which is standared and easy to understand.

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